Friday, February 11, 2011

A Memory

Here is the what the Cabin in Wrightwood CA, looks like today.  My grandmother on my mothers side, MA, used to tell me that this was a weekend get away, but one weekend they stopped going to the low land, as she called it, and this was now home...  There is a couple of things you can never forget about this place in the hills, and that is Pine needles, Pine cones and Ladybugs.... there is plenty of this stuff to go around... As a youngster I did realize my grandparents weren’t rich by any means, and every Thanksgiving it was our job as kids to write a christmas list for Santa... I remember Ma asking what I wanted for Christmas, me being the cleaver kid I was, said “I want gold” thinking she could never get that for me.....  WELL....... Christmas came around and sure enough out witted by a woman as old as her tongue and older than her teeth.... She had went outsie and selected a giant pine cone and painted it Gold...... Yeap out smarted again...... I believe she also gave me some PJ’s she had made, this was a common occurrence around the holidays while we were young....

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