Sunday, February 28, 2010

Funny story about my travels......

Home for 2 days, then back to strange and far away places for work, Last week I spent in Glendale, Burbank and South Pasadena the roughest part of all the pasadenas', it was fun, saw lots of TV and or Movies being filmed, passed by every studio and saw one if the oldest Bobs Big Boys... I know thats the highlight of my week... RIGHT!!!!!!? Well know it wasn't, My Cuz and here family came and took me to dinner, it was great, Especially when MASON the youngest wanted to pee in the urinal and Uncle Kevin(Who Me??? Come On..) decided it would be funny to make FART noises while Mason was aiming for the big white candy.... well when he turned to see who was making the funny fart Noises he peed on his dads feet..... NICE... Score 1 team Kevin, 0 team Scott.....

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