Tuesday, December 15, 2009

NaNa Monteverde...........

What do you say about a strong, PROUD woman, But I am so glad I met her and was a part of her life and she a part of mine. I have a great respect of Grandparents, they have seen so much, like the invention of TV and Freeways to name the biggies, The Computer not really their thing, it is ours..... They saw and lived thru things like The Great Depression and WWII, of course there is wars and depression today, But Nothing like then, Nothing........ I remember Nana telling me about the Japanese family that was taken away because they had a radio under their porch and they were spies or suspected of it.... She must of told me about New Mexico 100 times and I listened every time like it was the first, and endless stories about the cannery.... She made Tamales every year, and we would pig out every Christmas Morning and Menudo on New Years........ mmmmm Yummy..... I will never forget the Christmas her kids bought her a new TV to replace a console TV that was loosing its color and sound, and where would she put this new TV????? on top of the old one, of course... it lived there for a little while, but then it ended up on the proper sort of table...... She could crank out a blanket made of yarn faster than a machine. If you were lucky enough to get on of these blankets, like I was, Cherish it, I sure do..... I just love it........ This lady was my wifes BEST friend, my grand mother was mine as well...... We will miss her so so much, and I know she is in heaven looking down on us, her flock....

I love you Nana.......


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